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AGILE Training for Aviation DO-178C & DO-278A
Over 41,000 Trained, 130 Classes yearly. World’s largest. Public, Private, Remote, or Onsite.
Course Schedules Here
Aviation and avionics systems often use heavy-weight processes based upon the Waterfall (e.g. classic DO-178 and DO-278A processes), wrongly thinking streamlined Agile processes are unsuitable for safety-critical systems. However, Agile in both DO-178C and DO-278A has many benefits over traditional software development processes including:
- ✓ Improved Communication via Agile scrums and sprints
- ✓ More refined tailoring to end-user needs via Agile
- ✓ Earlier defect discovery via Agile
- ✓ Improved cost and schedule via Agile (when done correctly)
The common reasons traditional safety-critical engineers shy away from Agile are the potential weaknesses of liberal informal agile including:
- ✓ Less formalized requirement definition process via Agile
- ✓ Inability to assess transition criteria between process phases via Agile
- ✓ Missing Agile documentation required for safety-critical evidence
- ✓ Seemingly endless iterations of software via ever-changing requirement refinement via Agile
- ✓ Less SQA involvement and less Systems and Test involvement in development
So, are Agile and Safety-critical simply “Oil & Water” that cannot mix, or are they really “Coffee & Milk” which together can produce a great cappuccino? This Agile for DO-178C & DO-278A training class by AFuzion has taught over 1,500 engineers from 90 aviation companies to garner the benefits of Agile while simultaneously meeting stringent safety-critical software guidelines and standards. Indeed, Agile for DO-178C / DO-278A is both possible and workable via AFuzion’s proprietary Agile training.
AFuzion’s safety-critical development training has been provided to over 31,000 engineers from 1,700 companies in 30 countries; more than all other safety-critical trainers in the world combined. Brief summary below; contact us for more free information.
- Understanding Agile versus Heavyweight processes for DO-178C and DO-278A
- Understanding specific requirements, verification, and evidence required for aviation software development
- Defining Agile planning, sprints, scrums, and metrics for DO-178C and DO-278A
- Applying Agile software requirements definition
- Understanding Agile Scrums and Sprints, and benefits versus heavyweight processes
- Agile software development principles including requirements, design, code, and test and integrating systems engineering and software test within Agile
- Developing Quality Assurance processes and audits for Agile including DO-178C’s transition criteria attainment
- Improved formalization of documentation compatible with Agile processes for DO-178C, DO-254, and DO-278A
- Building robust QA systems with Agile processes
- Common mistakes in Safety-Critical Agile and how to avoid them
- Agile best practices for safety-critical software development
Attendees may include engineers, managers, quality assurance or certification personnel; no prior expertise required.
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Request Free AGILE Training Info for Aviation DO-178C & DO-278A