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Avionics DO-330 Tool Qualification Training Workshop
Course Schedules Here
Aviation software and hardware use tools to develop and verify the software and which must be formally qualified to DO-330 when their outputs are not proven to be fully verified otherwise. Tool qualification per DO-330 is often misunderstood, and even avoided, because engineers read the DO-330 PDF and believe it to be difficult or challenging to apply. But DO-330 Tool qualification can actually be taught, using real-world examples and in-class handouts: welcome to the world’s only dedicated DO-330 Tool Qualification training now available privately to any company worldwide – only from AFuzion where we use these principles to work with (and often qualify the tools of) 400 of the world’s top 500 aviation and avionics developers.
AFuzion’s training has been provided to over 27,000 aviation engineers from 1,000 companies in 30 countries; more than all other trainers in the world combined. Brief summary below; contact us for more free information.
- Understanding DO-330’s basic principles: DO-178C explained for the “real world”: yours
- Understanding DO-330’s true intent by understanding the original authors’ goals for both development and verification tools
- Understanding the avionics development ecosystem of Safety, Software, Hardware and Certification and how this applies to aviation and avionics tool qualification.
- Understanding:
- When is Tool Qualification Required?
- Purpose of Tool Qualification
- Evolution of Tool Qual from DO-178C to DO-178C/DO-330
- Tool Qualification Criteria
- Tool Qualification Levels
- Tool Qualification Objectives
- Tool Qualification Life Cycle Processes
- Tool Qualification Life Cycle Data
- Think like a DO-330 auditor and pass audits the first time
- Real-world DO-330 Tool Qual Plan and Requirements examples, and how to transition from DO-178C to DO-330
- Common DO-330C initiation mistakes: from beginner to intermediate quickly
Attendees may include engineers, managers, quality assurance or certification personnel; no DO-330 or tool qualification expertise required.
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