DO-355A/ED204A-SUBSET TRAINING: Aviation Cyber Security Continuing Airworthiness
Training Synopsis:
In this 2-Day (onsite) / 3-4-Day (online) introductory training course, on aviation cyber-security via the DO-326/ED-202 set of documents, attendees receive a comprehensive course on the Continued Airworthiness aspects of new “DO-326/ED-202 security ecosystem” of emerging aviation cyber security regulations. The DO-326/ED-202 set of documents is all about the mitigation of the aviation/aircraft safety effects of “Intentional Unauthorized Electronic Interaction (IUEI)”, a.k.a. “Cyber Threats”, and which were explicitly excluded from the classic ARP4754A(B)/4761(A)/5150A/5151A safety set. DO326A/ED202A & DO-356A/ED-203A, which form the core of the set and provide the methodical foundations for Aviation Cybersecurity compliance, focuses on Initial Airworthiness, up to Deployment, and the DAH roles and responsibilities.
Out of the current DO-326A/ED-202A companion documents, three are directly addressing Continued Airworthiness: DO-391/ED-201A (aviation framework), DO-355A/ED-204A (continued airworthiness), and DO-392/ED-206 (ISEM), covering both DAH and Operator roles and responsibilities.
The DO-326/ED-202-set, including DO-355/ED-204 is already mandatory in Europe by EASA for all types of aircraft and airborne systems since 01/01/2021, and the U.S. FAA, which has already adopted it de-facto for every TC-project for more than a decade – plans on making the entire set formally mandatory soon, while, in the meanwhile, focusing on specific Advisory Circulars for Continued Airworthiness.
Training Key Features:
⦁ Understanding the rationale behind the DO-355/ED-204-set’s documents:
⦁ Getting acquainted with the security process of the entire ED-202/DO-326 set, focused on DO-355/ED-204 including the standards’ developers’ goals and challenges;
⦁ Understanding the ED-202/DO-326 set’s relations with ARP4754A(B)/4761(A)/5150A etc. – “feeding” Security into Safety;
⦁ Understanding DO-355/ED-204-set’s Airworthiness Security Process logic and elements.
⦁ Thinking like a DO-355/ED-204-set auditor and pass audits the first time
⦁ Real-world DO-355/ED-204-set examples, and how to navigate them
⦁ Common DO-355/ED-204-set initiation mistakes – and how to avoid them
Who Should Attend:
Engineers, managers, quality assurance and/or certification personnel; no DO-326/ED-202-set expertise required.