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FACE – Introduction & Applying Future Airborne Capability Environment Standard
Over 41,000 Trained, 130 Classes yearly. World’s largest. Public, Private, Remote, or Onsite.
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Avionics systems world-wide are increasing required to conform to FACE – the Future Airborne Capability Environment standard, particularly military projects.
The FACE group was formed over a decade ago to enhance open systems post-F-35; the goal was to specify a more open avionics architectural environment for many military (but hopefully commercial as much interaction) airborne platform varieties. Similar efforts are MOSA and SOSA which will be summarized in this AFuzion course. FACE is a real-time software-focused strategy enhancing integration of portable interfaces across avionics systems and aircraft. FACE enhances the software design ability to specify, design and deploy a large variety of applications for integration across a large variety of real-time systems through a common operating environment, e.g. “FACE” compliant architecture and systems. The latest edition of the standard further promotes application interoperability and portability with enhanced requirements for exchanging data among FACE components,
AFuzion’s training has been provided to over 43,000 aviation engineers from 1,000 companies in 30 countries; more than all other trainers in the world combined. Brief summary below; contact us for more free information.
- Understanding the Why and How of FACE
- Effective deployment of FACE
- Defining common language requirements via FACE.
- Standardized approaches for using open standards within avionics systems
- FACE architecture and designs – how to understand, integrate, and deploy
- Lowering the implementation costs of FACE systems
- Standards to enhance robust architectures and optimize software quality
- The use of standard interfaces to enhance reuse of capabilities
- Portability of applications across multiple FACE systems and vendors
- Procurement of FACE conformant products
- FACE Testing
- More capabilities reaching the customer faster
- Innovation and competition within the avionics industry
- Common FACE mistakes and how to mitigate
- Deploying more Cost-Effective FACE compliance
- Relationship of FACE to MOSA and SOSA
Attendees may include engineers, managers, quality assurance or certification personnel; no DO-178 or FACE expertise required; basic software development knowledge highly preferred.
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