Certification, Auditing, And Mentoring Services
Aviation compliance, certification and DER services for worldwide Civil (FAA, EASA) and Military standards and guidelines. AFuzion’s Designated Engineering Representatives (DER’s) and Compliance Verification Engineers (CVE’s) assess aviation and avionics compliance for DO-178C, DO-254, ARP4754A, DO-278A, DO- 200B, and DO-297 certification. Over 80 aviation companies and millions of passengers and military personnel rely upon proven Safety by AFuzion. Certification for all aircraft and UAV’s per 14 CFR Part 23 (small fixed wing), Part 25 (large fixed wing), Part 27 (small rotor), and Part 29 (large rotor).
Mentoring provided to enable improved FAA, EASA, and Military aviation
compliance with pre-audits and actual audits per DO-178C, DO-254, ARP4754A, DO-
278A, DO-200B. Audits and Mentoring using AFuzion proprietary aviation and
avionics Checklists – most preferred worldwide by 5,000 satisfied engineers – only
from AFuzion. For a free sample, contact AFuzion