Reverse Engineering DO-178C & DO-254 for Engineers & Managers
In “theory”, everything works out perfectly. And real-life is much more, and different than, “theory” … !
In theory, DO-178C and DO-254 development consider a clean slate: all-new development where the requisite planning, design, and implementation are sequentially performed in perfect unison. Again, real life intervenes …
In the real world, the world of aviation, the vast majority of software and hardware developments make use of preexisting design and code. Legacy systems abound in aviation. Why? Tried and true designs, commercial dominance, proven systems, and commercial success all dictate software and hardware reuse. However, DO-178C reverse engineering is not dealt with inDO-178C nor is DO-254 reverse engineering dealt with in DO-254.
What then can be done? How can DO-178C reverse engineering and DO-254 reverse engineering be accomplished? What are the best practices for DO-178C and DO-254 reverse engineering? What are common mistake in DO-178C and DO-254 reverse engineering?
The engineers at AFuzion have spent hundreds of combined years achieving success in DO-178 reverse engineering ad DO-254 reverse engineering. . This paper answers these questions, and many more. Enjoy.
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