Engineering Services
AFuzion’s engineering experts work onsite or offsite in 30+ countries worldwide. If it pertains to aviation, it likely benefited from AFuzion’s engineering services.
AFuzion’s engineering experts work onsite or offsite in 30+ countries worldwide. If it pertains to aviation, it likely benefited from AFuzion’s engineering services.
Safety & Reliability
AFuzion’s Safety & Reliability engineers have decades of experience successfully performing ARP4761 and APR4761A compliant:
- Functional Hazard Assessments (FHA) per ARP4761 / ARP4754A
- Preliminary System Safety Assessment (PSSA) per ARP4761 / ARP4754A
- Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment (PASA) per ARP4761 / ARP4754A
- System Safety Assessment (SSA) per ARP4761 / ARP4754A
- Aviation Cyber-Security analysis per DO-326A / ED-202A
- Project Specific Certification Plan (PSCP)
- Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) per ARP4761 / ARP4754A
- Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) per ARP4761 / ARP4754A
- Safety Assessment Report (SAR) per ARP4761 / ARP4754A
AFuzion’s Safety-Reliability engineering is compliant with FAA 14 CFR 25.1309 and EASA CS-25.1309. For aviation safety and reliability details, AFuzion’s proprietary Aviation Safety Whitepaper is here “Free Download”.
Net Fusion One Note: this whitepaper doesn't exist:Systems Engineering
AFuzion’s Systems engineers have decades of experience specifying and designing aircraft, avionics, satellites, CNS/ATM ground systems, missiles, and military equipment per ARP4754A, ED-153, and ED-79A. AFuzion’s proprietary Systems Requirements processes have been applied to over 80 projects on five continents in just the past five years.
AFuzion’s Systems engineering is compliant with FAA 14 CFR 25.1309 and EASA CS-25.1309. For aviation systems details, AFuzion’s proprietary Aviation Systems Whitepaper is here “Free Download”
Net Fusion One Note: this whitepaper doesn't exist: “Understanding ARP4754A whitepaper url – note this is different from the prior section’s “ARP4761” paper.>”Software Engineering
AFuzion’s Software engineers have decades of experience successfully performing DO-178C (previously DO-178B) compliant:
- Software High-Level Requirements and Low-Level Requirements per DO-178C
- Software Design & Code including DO-332 OOT application
- Software Model Based Development including DO-331 application
- Software Verification, Reviews, Traceability, Functional Test, Robustness Test, and Structural Coverage Analysis per DO-178C
- Performance Testing and Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET)
AFuzion’s proprietary Software Development per DO-178C whitepapers are available here for free download
Hardware Engineering
AFuzion’s Hardware engineers have decades of experience successfully performing DO-254 compliant:
- Hardware Requirements per DO-254
- Hardware Design & Implementation including FPGA’s per DO-254
- Hardware Validation & Verification, Reviews, Traceability, Functional Test, Robustness Test, and Element Analysis per DO-254
- Performance Testing and Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) per DO-254
AFuzion’s proprietary Hardware Development per DO-254 whitepapers are available here for free download
Net Fusion One Note: this whitepaper doesn't exist:Quality Assurance
Aviation Quality & Process Assurance is a vital and often misunderstood discipline. AFuzion’s QA/PA engineers comply with ARP4754A, DO-178C, DO-278A, DO-200B, and DO-254 to define and perform project QA/PA, Auditing, Assessment, and Root Cause Analysis. AFuzion’s QA engineers comply with AS9115A, ISO 9001, IEEE, and QSM.
AFuzion’s proprietary Quality Assurance for DO-178C, DO-254,and ARP4754A whitepaper is available here for free download