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RTOS & FAA CAST-32 MCP Training for Safety-Critical Systems
Real-Time Operating Systems are at the heart of many safety-critical embedded systems and increasingly provide the foundation for success. RTOS’s provide the ability for systems to provide diverse functions, tasking, networking, interfacing with different systems, and enabling advanced memory features and multi-core processors. Safety-critical systems require RTOS’s
Why tailored safety-critical RTOS customized training? AFuzion’s RTOS training is never the cheapest, however we believe (and we believe all our clients believe) it is the most cost-effective. The largest cost to training is not what you pay the trainer, but rather what you pay your personnel during the time they attend training, and what you pay later if they are not optimally trained. Like training a professional athlete, the actual training protocol depends upon the athlete’s goals and starting point: no two athletes require the same training regimen and no two RTOS-using organizations require the same training. For over thirty years of providing world class training, AFuzion’s trainers recognize this simple fact. Therefore AFuzion’s training includes customization to meet the necessary needs: YOUR needs.
AFuzion’s training has been provided to over 23,000 aviation engineers from 1,000 companies in 30 countries; more than all other trainers in the world combined. Brief summary below; contact us for more free information.
- RTOS Introduction
- RTOS Scheduling
- Understanding RTOS Processes, Tasks, & Threads
- Applying Partitioning for RTOS based development
- RTOS Scheduling, Tasks, and Partitioning within safety-critical systems
- Re-entrancy, queues, and interrupts
- Signaling and inter-process communications
- Time and space partitioning
- RTOS integration common mistakes and best practices
- Safe coding for C and C++
- Developing your own safety-critical RTOS – key considerations and sample development planning
- Understanding CAST-32 and Multi-Core Processing
- Certifying per CAST-32 and DO-178C
- Applying CAST-32 via RTOS’s to certify MCP interference channels, Cache misses, partitioning, resource contention, missed deadlines, WCET analysis, resource analysis, proof of determinism (space and time), and detection/mitigation techniques.
Attendees may include software engineers and managers. Basic understanding of embedded systems and software is helpful.
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