DO-254 Training Workshop
Course Schedules Here
Avionics hardware world-wide is now commonly required to follow “DO-254” for literally all phases of development: Safety, Requirements, Design, Logic Implementation, V&V, Quality Assurance, etc. DO-254 was partly copied from software’s DO-178B, but there are many differences between hardware and software which must be understood to “truly” implement DO-254. While DO-254 may seem onerous to follow, most planes, helicopters, and many UAV’s flying today must comply with it: First-time users often complain of costs and schedules doubling while trying to comply. But is DO-254 really complex? What are the true meanings of DO-254? How can DO-254 be understood and applied cost-effectively the first time? What are the top mistakes when starting DO-254 projects and how to avoid them? What are the best practices for avionics hardware requirements, design, logic implementation, configuration management, V&V, QA, and certification? All of these topics are explained in this fast-paced Basic DO-254 class. The developer/teacher is the principal founder of two of the world’s largest avionics consulting companies and the principal author of the world’s most popular publications on DO-254: Vance Hilderman has taught over 11,000 avionics engineers and managers worldwide, including FAA and EASA officials, and engineers from 95 of the world’s largest 100 aviation companies: more than all the competitor’s current trainers in the world, combined.
AFuzion’s training has been provided to over 23,000 aviation engineers from 1,000 companies in 30 countries; more than all other trainers in the world combined. Brief summary below; contact us for more free information.
- Understanding DO-254’s basic principles: DO-254 explained for the “real world”: yours
- Understanding DO-254’s true intent by understanding the original authors’ goals
- Understanding the avionics development ecosystem of Safety, Hardware, Systems and Certification
- Understanding DO-254’s five Plans, plus Standards; includes Requirements, Design, Logic, V&V, Quality/Process Assurance, and Configuration Management
- Common DO-254 initiation mistakes: from beginner to intermediate quickly
- Think like a DO-254 auditor and pass audits the first time
- Understanding and applying AMC 20-152A, CAST-27, and EASA-CM-SWCEH-001 for avionics hardware development per ED-80 and DO-254
- Basic DO-254 for COTS IP, FPGA’s, and SOC’s; sample VHDL Standards Walkthrough
Attendees may include engineers, managers, quality assurance or certification personnel; no DO-254 expertise required.
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