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AS9115A Aviation Quality Management System Training
Course Schedules Here
AS9115A is increasingly required in many facets of aerospace development to prove implementation of an effective Quality Management System (QMS). Many Aerospace Primes require compliance to AS9115A through a thorough 2nd party assessment. To assure compliance, organizations must understand that while there is no formal Registration to AS9115A, the Prime will expect the organization to demonstrate compliance by understanding and applying:
1. Documented Processes that support the elements for Deliverable Software of every requirement.
2. Objective Verifiable Evidence validating the processes cover the requirements and are effectively implemented.
Since the latest AS9115A version now aligns with the latest ISO 9001 and AS9100 standards, the implementing organization now must introduce the additional requirements for Stakeholder needs and risk analysis. This 2-day AS9115A Course is delivered onsite at your facility, by a senior expert QMS auditor Mr. Mark Stevens with decades of hands-on expertise.
AFuzion’s training has been provided to over 23,000 aviation engineers from 1,000 companies in 30 countries; more than all other trainers in the world combined. Brief summary below; contact us for more free information.
- Understanding the specific AS9115A requirements vs. the AS9100 elements
- Developing procedures and tools that demonstrate clear and concise AS9115A compliance
- Performing an effective internal AS9115A audit to validate process effectiveness
- How to develop required S-PEARS
- How to streamline AS9115A and reduce AS9115A costs
- AS9115A Best Practices and avoiding AS9115A Mistakes
- How to maximize potential to pass AS9115A audits with honesty and integrity
Attendees may include engineers, managers, quality assurance or certification personnel; no DO-178 expertise required.
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