Avionics Systems ARP4754A & ARP4754B Training Workshop
Over 41,000 Trained, 130 Classes yearly. World’s largest. Public, Private, Remote, or Onsite.
Course Schedules Here
SAE-ARP4754A / ARP4754B provides guidance for the development of aircraft and aircraft systems while taking into account the overall aircraft operating environment and functions. ARP4754A / ARP4754B was long “suggested” for commercial avionics; the new ARP4754A / ARP4754B is now required and increasingly mandatory for all avionics including worldwide militaries and UAV’s beginning as early as 2017. ARP-754A is commonly called “DO-178 for Aviation Systems”, but it’s really much different: ARP4754A / ARP4754B requires detailed Safety processes (ARP4761) and data, systems-level planning, traceability, V&V and tight configuration management. While bearing some semblance to DO-178, ARP4754A / ARP4754B really covers the Avionics Development Ecosystem and is a mandatory foundation – it must come BEFORE DO-178C. The processes for developing systems requirements are rigorous and formal processes must be proven in place before software and hardware development begin.
AFuzion’s training has been provided to over 23,000 aviation engineers from 1,000 companies in 30 countries; more than all other trainers in the world combined. Brief summary below; contact us for more free information.
- How ARP4754A / ARP4754B fits into the Avionics Development Ecosystem including ARP4761A, DO-178C, and DO-254
- Differences between ARP4754, ARP4754A and the new ARP4754B
- ARP4754A Planning – what is really required
- Aviation Safety: what is required for ARP4754A / ARP4754B
- Handling Derived and Safety Requirements per ARP4754A / ARP4754B
- System Requirements – What, Where, Why, and How
- Planning, Development, and Traceability Processes for Systems
- ARP4754A / ARP4754B Documentation
- ARP4754A / ARP4754B Verification & Validation
- ARP4754A / ARP4754B Best Practices & Common Mistakes
- In-Class walkthrough of Proprietary AFuzion ARP4754A and ARP4754B Checklists
- In-Class walkthrough of Proprietary AFuzion ARP475B Planning document
- Understanding ARP4761 and the new ARP4754B with ARP4761A
- Safety Assessments per ARP4761A: AFHA, FHA, PASA, PSSA, SSA, FMA, CCA
- Development Assurance Level Assignment: FDAL & IDAL
- Requirements Standards & Management & Tracveability
- Validation
- Implementation Verification
- Configuration Management
- Process Assurance
- Certification / Regulatory Authority Coordination
- Model-Based Design of Systems
- Model-Based Requirements Management
- Model-Based Validation and Verification & Issues
- Strategy Development and Introduction of Model-Based Design for your Team
- Top ARP4754A Mistakes and how to prevent
- Migrating to ARP4754B
Attendees may include systems or safety engineers, managers, software/hardware engineers, quality assurance or certification personnel; no prior expertise required.
To Request Training Info plus free samples, please submit the following (* = Required; request rejected if * not completed):
Request Free ARP4754A Training Info and Free Whitepaper
Avionics Systems ARP4754A & ARP4754B Training Workshop
Over 41,000 Trained, 130 Classes yearly. World’s largest. Public, Private, Remote, or Onsite.
Course Schedules Here
SAE-ARP4754A / ARP4754B provides guidance for the development of aircraft and aircraft systems while taking into account the overall aircraft operating environment and functions. ARP4754A / ARP4754B was long “suggested” for commercial avionics; the new ARP4754A / ARP4754B is now required and increasingly mandatory for all avionics including worldwide militaries and UAV’s beginning as early as 2017. ARP-754A is commonly called “DO-178 for Aviation Systems”, but it’s really much different: ARP4754A / ARP4754B requires detailed Safety processes (ARP4761) and data, systems-level planning, traceability, V&V and tight configuration management. While bearing some semblance to DO-178, ARP4754A / ARP4754B really covers the Avionics Development Ecosystem and is a mandatory foundation – it must come BEFORE DO-178C. The processes for developing systems requirements are rigorous and formal processes must be proven in place before software and hardware development begin.
AFuzion’s training has been provided to over 23,000 aviation engineers from 1,000 companies in 30 countries; more than all other trainers in the world combined. Brief summary below; contact us for more free information.
- How ARP4754A / ARP4754B fits into the Avionics Development Ecosystem including ARP4761A, DO-178C, and DO-254
- Differences between ARP4754, ARP4754A and the new ARP4754B
- ARP4754A Planning – what is really required
- Aviation Safety: what is required for ARP4754A / ARP4754B
- Handling Derived and Safety Requirements per ARP4754A / ARP4754B
- System Requirements – What, Where, Why, and How
- Planning, Development, and Traceability Processes for Systems
- ARP4754A / ARP4754B Documentation
- ARP4754A / ARP4754B Verification & Validation
- ARP4754A / ARP4754B Best Practices & Common Mistakes
- In-Class walkthrough of Proprietary AFuzion ARP4754A and ARP4754B Checklists
- In-Class walkthrough of Proprietary AFuzion ARP475B Planning document
- Understanding ARP4761 and the new ARP4754B with ARP4761A
- Safety Assessments per ARP4761A: AFHA, FHA, PASA, PSSA, SSA, FMA, CCA
- Development Assurance Level Assignment: FDAL & IDAL
- Requirements Standards & Management & Tracveability
- Validation
- Implementation Verification
- Configuration Management
- Process Assurance
- Certification / Regulatory Authority Coordination
- Model-Based Design of Systems
- Model-Based Requirements Management
- Model-Based Validation and Verification & Issues
- Strategy Development and Introduction of Model-Based Design for your Team
- Top ARP4754A Mistakes and how to prevent
- Migrating to ARP4754B
Attendees may include systems or safety engineers, managers, software/hardware engineers, quality assurance or certification personnel; no prior expertise required.
To Request Training Info plus free samples, please submit the following (* = Required; request rejected if * not completed):
Request Free ARP4754A Training Info and Free Whitepaper