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Safety-Critical Quality Systems & Assurance Training
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Critical systems require strong quality assurance to independently define, plan, audit, and ensure project quality. A strong Quality System Manual and associated quality assurance activities are paramount to safety-critical project success. This safety-critical QA training course enables managers, engineers, and quality assurance personnel to understand QSM principles of ISO 9000, ISO 9001, and AS9115 for safety-critical systems, particularly aviation and automotive related software and hardware systems.
Great engineering companies are additionally able to accomplish the following objectives:
- Adhere to industry standards and practices in a cost-effective manner
- Leverage their existing development/engineering processes where applicable
- Improve engineering quality and efficiency
- Maximize productivity by receiving expert training
- Adopt new aviation/engineering technologies as they are proven
- Incorporate evolving aviation industry Best Practices
- Raise the level of Quality Assurance to high knowledge, ability, and proactivity
- Implement all the above with increasingly aggressive schedules …
Even with great companies, there are “gaps” between what that company is currently doing within Quality Assurance and what it should optimally do implement best-in-class QA activities. Welcome to AFuzion’s Quality Assurance Processes training for aviation-related personnel.
Quality Assurance is a broad but important role covering many aspects of the system development lifecycle. Yet QA is often misunderstood or not fully appreciated by persons not having direct experience. In fact, QA is often as important, or more so, than other important functions including engineering development, finance, or management. Truly, without a knowledgeable, efficient, and empowered QA organization, project success is impaired. The solution? World-class training by the safety-critical expert company, AFuzion.
AFuzion’s QA Process training covers all relevant aspects necessary for QA success: technical background, overview, QA ecosystem, QA processes, QA checklists, tools, roles, QA auditing, configuration management, QA testing, suppliers, manufacturing, maintenance, common QA mistakes, and QA best-practices. AFuzion’s QA training is customized based upon our Questionnaire and detailed exchanges to tailor your QA training for maximum effectiveness in the real world: YOUR world.
Why tailored safety-critical QA customized training? AFuzion’s QA training is never the cheapest, however we believe (and we believe all our clients believe) it is the most cost-effective. The largest cost to training is not what you pay the trainer, but rather what you pay your personnel during the time they attend training, and what you pay later if they are not optimally trained. Like training a professional athlete, the actual training protocol depends upon the athlete’s goals and starting point: no two athletes require the same training regimen and no two Quality organizations require the same training. For over thirty years of providing world class training, AFuzion’s trainers recognize this simple fact. Therefore AFuzion’s training includes customization to meet the necessary needs: YOUR needs.
AFuzion’s training has been provided to over 23,000 aviation engineers from 1,000 companies in 30 countries; more than all other trainers in the world combined. Brief summary below; contact us for more free information.
- Quality Assurance principles for safety-critical systems
- Defining a Quality Assurance System
- Quality Assurance Planning, Implementation & Metrics
- Understanding software development including requirements, design, code, and test.
- Developing QA plans for software engineering
- Understanding software metrics, defect prevention, and defect detection
- Building robust QA systems with Agile processes
- Contrasting QA for ISO 9001, and AS9115
- Optional QA principles for DO-178C, DO-254, DO-278A, and DO-200B in aviation
- In-class workshop with QA checklists and templates
- Performing QA audits and improving processes via feedback
- Motivating engineers to accomplish the impossible: “loving QA”
- Common mistakes in quality assurance and how to avoid them
- SQA best practices for safety-critical software development
- Free customization for your particular quality assurance needs.
- Templates & checklist samples provided to attendees.
Attendees may include engineers, managers, quality assurance or certification personnel; no prior expertise required.
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